HPC Cluster Solutions, Ltd.

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06-28-2017 ISC17
ISC17 International Supercomputing Conference, Frankfurt, Germany

11-13-2017 SC17
SC17 Supercomputing Conference, Denver, CO, USA




HPC Cluster Solutions -

We make sure you stay at the surface

A team of experts in the area of HPC and HPTC will guide you thru the steps involved getting a successful solution deployed.
Todays applications require intensive compute times. With an decreased amount of execution time, results are obtained faster and more efficient.
We will help by providing existing and new, individual software solutions for your problem.
If it is in BioInformatics, Finance, Automotive, Oil and Gas or others fields, don't hesitate to contact us.

  • DPDK on Windows using Intel X520/540/710

  • Achieving Ethernet interoperable 3us Latency for UDP and 5us Latency for TCP using
    low latency 10Gb Ethernet

  • Trends in High Speed Networking. Standard 10GbE Solutions versus proprietary solutions

  • Copyright © 2005-2017 HPC Cluster Solutions, Ltd, All rights reserved. Imprint, Disclaimer